【Holiday Business Hours】Between 2024/12/30~2025/01/03, reservations & inquiries will be accepted via email.
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Specified Commercial Transactions

Name of Distributor

AJ Interbridge Inc.

Person in Charge

Hiroaki Araki


400 Osaka-cho Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto Japan 600-8177
Miyoshi Bldg. 7F East

Telephone & Fax

Tel:075-708-5610 (+81-75-365-2333)



Payment Methods

Bank Transfer & Credit Card

Additional Fees

Sales Tax (All prices listed on our site are tax-inclusive)
Bank Transfer Fee (For payments made through a bank wire transfer)

Payment Deadline

Bank Transfer Payments:
Payment shall be made within 8 days of receiving a payment request form through email.

Credit Card Payments:
We will abide by payment procedures in accordance to the terms set forth by the customer’s credit card company of choice.

Our Cancellation Policy

Please be aware that some cancellations may result in a cancellation fee.
For more details and information regarding our cancellation policy, please review our “Terms and Conditions”.